As I mentioned before, I've really been enjoying running lately. I probably shouldn't actually call it running, because technically it's more like jogging, I am NOT very fast, but I can keep a steady pace. Last night as I set out on my nightly run, (I also mentioned how much I LOVE to run in the dark) I had only gone a little ways, when a car with it's high beams on came towards me. I was on the sidewalk so that's good, but what I didn't see was this metal tie thing that is used to bundle newspapers. I got my feet tangled in it and fell flat on my face. Well, not actually on my face, but hard enough to really bang up my knees, shoulder, and hands. I think at first I was more embarassed than anything else, but once I got up, shook myself off, I realized I was kind of in pain. I thought, really? I've been doing well with my runs and now this? So I went home, showed off my injuries to Joel, washed them with a cloth and decided I had to go back out. I was so glad I did, as it was my best run in a really loooong time!
I started thinking about what had just happened. I thought about how it relates to life. How we can be going along so well for awhile and then BAM, you fall flat on your face, with no warning. I had a choice, I could go home and nurse my wounds, or I could keep going and plow through. I decided to do both :) I am realizing in life, we always have choices. Some we know are the right ones, others we know are wrong but still choose them, because we as humans are rebellious. Sometimes we feel like we have no choice, that are hands are tied and we're trapped. But we do have a choice as to how to handle these situations, we can choose to handle them joyfully and thankfully, even if our situation is terrible, or we can choose to handle the same situation in the depths of despair. Hard choices, but learning to make the right ones is all about how we want our lives to be.
Okay, enough rambling for today...