Okay, so I have been taking a break with my camera this past week. It has been so cold to go outside and take pictures and the kids have been so busy with school. School is out and the weather is beautiful, very cold, but beautiful. So as one of my goals today, I am going take my camera out and take some wintery shots.
My other goals? In no particular order....
laundry (always)
wrap presents
cook dinner
watch High School Musical 1
did I mention laundry?
Joel just came in and asked how I have the time to write two blogs? I said it was just like journalling. He in reply asked how I have time to journal with so much laundry to do? Ouch, do you think that was a hint?
Okay, well with my last week being camera free I have been going through old pictures and re-editing some of them (yes, I really LOVE photoshop!)
Here are a few from this time last year. I will post some from today later!
Enjoy the beauty that surrounds us today!
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