I love how getting away can bring on a such a new perspective on life. I spent this past weekend in Toronto with family, taking pictures, and exploring the city. It was a quick trip and every moment was spent on the go. It was so great to be able to wake up every morning, get dressed and walk out the door and grab a Starbucks. My last day there I woke up to a damp misty morning. It had rained heavily all night and I was expecting a cold west coast morning, surprisingly I was met with warm humidity and the hustle and bustle of a busy city life, far different than what I am used to. Everyone has a place to be. Nobody really knows anybody and everyone is in their own little world. What really struck me was how entwined I am in my little Auguston bubble. Like most people in my community, they are off to work and leaving their community to work or be with people from anywhere but there. I on the other hand do not do this on a daily basis. I know all of my neighbours, I walk to and from the school 3 times a day with the same people, I go to church in the same community as all of these people and I work from home and work mostly with people from my community. Honestly, I feel like I need out! There is such a big world out there and I want to be part of it. I'm not sure where these thoughts will lead me, probably not too far, but I do feel like a need a change, even if it's a small one. I used to take art classes every Wednesday night. I met many different people there from all over. Some older, some younger, all with such interesting stories. I find myself craving that, not necessarily art classes, but something. This is definitely a rambling post, but getting lost in a city like Toronto was nice, even for a few days. Here are some pics my mom took while I was there.

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