It all started yesterday as I was doing the Straiton hill run. If you're from Auguston, then you know the run. The last part of the run is up a beautiful trail. As my running partner and I were booting it up the steep part of the trail, she asked if we could slow down and walk a bit as her vision was going blurry and she wasn't feeling well. No problem, it was nice to slow it down and take in the beauty of the forest and chat. We started running again, and after a few minutes she asked to slow it down again, as she really wasn't feeling well. (Just a side note, this girl is hard core crazy on sprinting up hills, so this was very out of the ordinary) I asked her what she thought her body was telling her. She didn't know. This is what got me thinking... we really, really need to listen to our bodies. Last night as I crawled into bed my body was aching. Not sick/flu aching, but an aching, exhausted feeling where I was really tired right to my bones. Does that make sense? Probably not, but that's the best way I could explain it. I needed to listen to my body and rest.
I realized last night as I was thinking about how important it is to listen to your body, that it is just as important to listen to those around you. Listening to your spouse and friends is important, but what I really struggle with is my kids. So often they will be talking to me about school or a friend or a video game (okay mostly Connor) and I will be distracted with cooking dinner, sending an e-mail, folding laundry etc. and I will give a little glance and a nod and say mmm hmm. I am not actively listening. How can I expect my kids to actively listen to me, when I am not modeling the same behaviour? I know I need to work on this.
Lastly, listening to God is my biggest struggle. So often I will offer up a quick prayer, say Amen, and walk away, not really giving it another thought. I am reading this book Eat, Pray, Love. It is definitely not written from a Christian perspective, but it does talk a lot about the importance of sitting in stillness and listening to God. Another challenge for me. It also talks about finding balance in life. I am finding it very inspiring and encouraging.
Sorry for the random writings of today, just needed to get these swirling thoughts down.
much love,
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