We were waiting for the bride to arrive.
The husband-to-be was nervously peeking out the side door checking the parking lot, adjusting his tie, and pacing. We were in a crowded little hall with so much character I could cry. The old hardwood floors, the stained glass windows that had been opened to let in the fresh scent of a warm fall afternoon, the dimmed lights...beautiful. Not exactly a dream for a photographer as the light was really dim and the use of flash was inevitable, but it was nice.
This summer I've shot a fair amount of weddings. It's funny how weddings go, they are all pretty much the same, just different characters acting out the parts. Of course there are many different details, but the order, for the most part, remains.
I stood there looking at all the pretty dresses, at the women who had spent the morning getting their hair done,the guy sneaking a drink from his flask. My senses were being filled with the scents of expensive perfume, mixed with alcohol and stale cigarette smoke when she arrived.
She looked beautiful, the groom sighed a heavy sigh of relief and so my day of work began. I love my job.
Brooke snapped this one of me as we were testing out light in the hall before the ceremony.

this is some great writing here. perhaps writing is yet another profession beckoning to you! i felt as though i could really picture what you were describing. high five!