Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am sooo not a resolution girl. Only because I believe people say all these things on New Years Eve and feel all sentimental at the time and everyone knows your supposed to break them anyway...right? With that being said, I've made some goals for 2011, yes goals, not resolutions! I am feeling somewhat inclined to post then tonight only because I want to look back a year from now and see if I reached them. Okay here we go...

1. To run at least one half marathon. I would love to do one in 2:20 but we shall see.
2. To give only handmade creations as gifts. Obviously my kid's wouldn't be super thrilled if this was all they got as birthday presents, so they will be my exception :-)
3. To grow my business. I am so excited to be heading off to Chicago this spring to attend a workshop with one of my very favourite portrait photographers.

I was looking back at my goals last year and thought it would be fun to paste them into this post for comparison sake. It looks like my goals are fairly similar.

2010 Goals

I started running exactly one year ago. I hadn't run since Elissa was a baby, so I pretty much was starting from scratch. My first night out running I did 6 laps around our little park. I'm not sure how far that is, but I would venture to say it may be around 1 km. I did my first race, a 5km one in May. This year I plan on doing a 10 km race and maaaaybe a half marathon in the fall, but I may save that goal for 2011.

I also really want to cook. I want to try new recipes and really embrace good food. Although I got a juicer for Christmas, which I am loving, and it seems all to easy to throw in all my fresh fruit and veggies into this thing and just live on fresh juice.

Okay, another goal is my garden. I want a fabulous garden this year. Lots of fruit and veggies, beautiful flowers and just a really well maintained yard.

And my final goal is expanding my business. I did an all day websummit earlier this week where I learned soooo much about marketing. I am feeling very inspired to take my business up a notch.

I have a feeling 2010 will be a challenging but good year.

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