For years now, Joel's family has talked about getting the whole family together for an "annual McAllister camping trip." For years now, it never seemed to happen... until this year.
I love that my husband is a go getter and usually a fairly organized one at that. This past January, he was on top of things and chose a location and date for what planned to be the begining of a new tradition.
He sent out the email to his brothers and parents saying this is what he had chosen, and asking whether they were in or out? 7 out of the 8 families were in, along with mom and dad. It was sure to be an epic adventure.
Well, the camping trip has come and gone, and as I sit here looking through the pictures I took I can't help but feel incredibly blessed. I feel so blessed:
*be part of such an amazing family and have 7 SIL's who are also some of my closest friends
*to have a husband who loves his wife so much that he rents a warm, comfy tent trailer to go camping with even though he loves sleeping in a tent
*to have amazing friends who freely lend us their min-van so we can tow said tent trailer
*for the laughter that was shared
*for the incredible beauty that we were surrounded with
*for my children who have great cousins, who are also the best of friends

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