The streetlights were non-responsive as I drove down the hill. The yoga studio was dark. The power was out. I poked my head in the door to see if anyone was there for the 10:30 class, sure enough there was and the class was on. Who can't do yoga in a bright natural daylight studio anyway, no need to for lights!
As I set out my mat on my carefully chosen spot on the floor I noticed there was only one other mat in the room. Ok, small class today I guess.
My instructor walked in and sat gracefully on her mat. At that point it became obvious I was the only one participating, as the others that had been there had decided to leave because of the lack of power. I told her she didn't need to do the class just for me, but she said we could do a private lesson and work on whatever I wanted.
Such a gift.
It was awesome. She tweaked my alignments, my arms, feet, legs, everything! She pushed me to try things I never thought possible. I even did a headstand on my own! It was so great and today I am so sore! What I had first anticipated to be a morning of deep breathing and stretching turned into an intense workout.
Now to try and run...
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