Every night at 9:56 my e-mail dings and I get an e-mail from the flylady. In the e-mail she sends reminders as to how to make life run smoother.
Today's Reminders:
* Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
- Make Bed
-Swish & Swipe
-Empty Dishwasher
-Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)
-Check Your Calendar
-Check Your Control Journal
* What's For Dinner? Chicken & potatoes & veggies
* Drink Your Water - ewwww
* Declutter for 15 Minutes
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) going to do an hour run tonight
* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
-Where are your Keys?
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour
* Morning Routine:
-Get Dressed to Shoes including Hair/Face, Brush Teeth
- Make Bed
-Swish & Swipe
-Empty Dishwasher
-Reboot Laundry (a Load a Day Keeps CHAOS Away)
-Check Your Calendar
-Check Your Control Journal
* What's For Dinner? Chicken & potatoes & veggies
* Drink Your Water - ewwww
* Declutter for 15 Minutes
* 15 Minutes of Loving Movement (exercise) going to do an hour run tonight
* Before Bed Routine:
-Lay out Your Clothes for tomorrow
-Check Your Calendar
-Put things needed for tomorrow at the Launch Pad
-Where are your Keys?
-Spend Two Minutes Clearing off a Hot Spot
-Shine Your Sink
- Wash face/Brush Teeth
-Go to Bed at a Decent Hour
This weekend is going to be a bit crazy. Friday night Brooke is coming over for a sleepover and then Saturday we are shooting a wedding from 12:30 until 9:30 out in Chilliwack. I was asked by Elissa why she needs to come on Friday and I told her we needed to make a flight plan for Saturday. We actually need to make two, one for rain the other for..uh, not rain. On Sunday I am heading up to Stave Lake Power Centre for a commercial shoot with a few other photogs. I get to shoot real models and everything! That is a five hour shoot... super intense! I imagine by Monday I will have approx. 1000 images to cull, proof, and edit.
I had a shoot yesterday in my studio with an adorable 9 month old. That is my comfort zone. I can take pictures of kids, and I love it. Weddings... always more stress and although somewhat in my comfort zone, just not quite as enjoyable. And commercial stuff... well never really done it. Definitely out of my comfort zone, especially since I'll be working with some top notch photographers.
Anyway, this is truly a random post.
I hope you enjoy the glimpses of sunshine today :)
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