On Friday night I watched a great documentary called Food Inc. It was all about the meat and grain industry and how horribly animals are treated. Not only are they treated poorly, but they are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics. Also the grains that are put into all the food we eat (anything that contains corn, which is pretty much everything) is all genetically modified, it's not even real! Ughhh, the film was so eye opening. I have come to the conclusion that meat is okay, in moderation and that I will try to only eat meat where the cattle has grazed freely and been fed only grass and natural grains. As well as only free range chickens that haven't been pumped full of drugs. We are so lucky to have a great new market so close to us that provides this kind of meat. Lepp Farm Market is my new favourite grocery store. I think I have mentioned them before. Alright I'll get off my soapbox.
So Saturday I ran my first 10k race. It was okay, but I was a bit disappointed in my time. I reeeeaaaaally wanted to do it in under an hour. My finish time was 1:01.55. I felt good running it, which surprised me a bit. The week before I had knee and foot problems, but I seemed fine that day. I won't include the pic Joel took of me crossing the finish line as I look like I'm going to fall over, but this is taken right after :)

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