The conference was amazing. So many perspectives on how to go about running a photography business. I have to say, one day after an 8 hour session I was ready to throw in the towel. I told Brooke that this was it. I didn't think I could do it. I am NOT a business women. I can NOT sell a 16x20 image to a family for $1600. Nope. Just can't. Not me. It would literally make me feel sick to my stomach if I had a client pay me that much for 1 image. This business guru had all the lines. Icky lines that made my gut do flips. One of his final messages that night was "If you are not a outstanding business person, you will not survive in this industry." Okay. Well then, I guess I'm not cut out for it, because all I like to do is take pictures of kids being kids, families interacting with eachother and watching brides fall in love with their groom's all over again on their wedding day. AND, I like doing it without causing them to go into debt.
So fast forward to yesterday. Jasmine Star. My girl. My favourite. I love her. No seriously, I really, really love her. She started her business the exact month and year I did. Wow. She has accomplished so much inthis time it kinda makes my head spin. Although in all fairness, I was raising two little kid's, being a wife and taking care of the home. Anyway, she talked a lot about "Old school photography" and "New school" photography. Up until then I had never really thought of it that way. I was always listening to the seasoned pros who were old school. Where they would schmooze with the clients and word everything so specifically that by the time the clients left the ordering session (another thing I never liked but always felt if I were to take this up a notch I would have to conform to) the photographer would be $2000 richer... for a family session. Uh, no thanks.
Jasmine... her mantra, just be YOU. Seriously, how hard is that? Run things the way you want to run them. Be different. There will always be old school photographers and there will always be the newbie's who just spent $500 on a new DSLR who think they can start a little side business with no real knowledge of even the basics of photography. But then there are photographers who sell themselves, just by their personality and work. That's how I want to do it. She gave us a lot of little tools and tips about how word of mouth can keep your business alive. Facebook and Twiiter alone can pretty much generate full time business...if you work at it. The cool thing though, it's free. Word of mouth is the best form of advertising... and it's free! You are not selling yourself, others are selling you. Love it!
All of you who are reading this blog are very near and dear to me. You have all supported me so much through my journey through photography and I appreciate it so much. Your word of mouth referrals have meant so much to me. Thank you for believing in me!
Love you!
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