Monday, June 28, 2010

blog, blog, blog

oh what to blog about?


I love the summer time. I love the light evenings and the warmth summer brings. I love the relaxed days.

Connor will be finishing Kindergarten tomorrow and El will be finishing grade two. In a few short weeks (ten to be exact) they will both be in school full time. I blogged a while back about possibly getting a job outside of my photography. It's funny how true the term "careful what you wish for" is so accurate. The opportunity to work part time in two different places came up soon after I began thinking seriously about it. Wow. When I actually thought about it, I decided that working under someone elses schedule is not what I would enjoy. So that idea has now come to pass and I am now looking forward to putting more time into my business. I've thought about leasing a storefront studio, but not sure if I am ready for that big of a leap.

This summer is full of holidays, shooting 5 weddings, and working on projects around the house. The fall will be here before we know it. Enjoy the holidays and hopefully the sun will return and stick around for awhile.

much love,


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Could it be that summer has finally decided to show up? Today was a beautiful day and tonight was even better!
A dear friend offered to take my kiddos tonight so I could get a run in. It was just the 8.4k to Prince Charles and back but it was so nice. I took it easy on some parts and really pushed myself on others. I am really trying to work on my speed as I seem to get into a decent pace and just stay there.
Last summer I loved getting out there once the sun was going down and enjoy the coolness of the shade along McKee. I enjoyed it again tonight. I had forgotten about all the bugs though and ended up pulling a few out of my mouth. I also, for the second time in the last week, nearly got hit by a flying golf ball.
Anyway, just my ramblings tonight. I feel so blessed to be able to run and enjoy God's creation.
Hope you managed to find some time to enjoy the evening as well.
Much love,

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Church clothes

When I was very young my parents took me to an Anglican church every Sunday. My dad and brothers always wore suits and my mom and I always wore dresses, sometimes even a hat. Being an Anglican church, everything was fairly traditional. Only hymns were sung and I remember everyone taking a sip of wine out of the same cup for communion! Ewww! Anyway, my early memories of church were all about wearing uncomfortable clothes, singing slow songs with fancy words I didn't understand, and watching all the adults drink out of the same cup. When we stopped going, I was probably quite relieved to trade in my fancy clothes for gum boots, jeans, and sweatshirts and spend my Sunday mornings digging streams in the forest.

Fast forward to 1993. My friend told me that she thought I would like going to youth group. I wasn't super excited to go and put it off for a few months. When I finally went, I was surprised at how different her church was. The music was fast and I understood the words, and everyone wore Birkenstocks, woolly socks, flannel shirts and comfy jeans. It was great! So I continued on at the youth group for a couple of years before I actually attended a formal Sunday morning church service. I thought, here we go, back to the formality of church. I remember putting on a skirt, my Doc Marten boots, and my jean jacket. My mom I thing was horrified that that was what I was wearing to church, but really, it was as fancy as I got. Was I ever relieved when I arrived to see all the youth kids and leaders wearing similar attire, if anything I was still more dressed up than others.

I liked it. I liked how laid back this church was. They said it doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, God sees what's on the inside. I liked that too.

So, here I am, some 15 years later, and wondering what God thinks about the way we present ourselves at church. In the Old Testament we see priests going through elaborate purification measures to enter into the Holy of Holies. Even their sacrifices had to be clean and blameless.

I don't think there is a right or wrong way of dressing for church, as every church is different. But I do think it is nice to put some time and thought into what is worn and how we present ourselves when we go to worship God. I struggle with how my kid's are dressed, my daughter especially since she has to wear a uniform all week. She has her own style that I don't want to rob her of, so I let her do her thing, but I do think children should be clean and well mannered at church.

Anyway, these are just my rambling thoughts for the day. Please feel free to comment and throw in your 2 cents!


Monday, June 14, 2010

A life worth living

It is in times like this that I truly appreciate my health and life.
This past week was unbelievably crazy. 3 shoots, runs, bootcamps, birthday parties, baseball, and all of the other day to day things. Joel was away for 3 days as well which just added a bit to the chaos, but it is all good!!

This week is looking even crazier. It is wedding and baby week. Graeme and Aimee are getting hitched Friday and rehearsal dinner tomorrow night. Brooke and I are doing some of the photography, but thankfully not the formals. I am shooting 40 women tonight at our wrap up boot camp party as well as a baby and one year this week. My camera is working overtime this week.

We had our 10th annual block party yesterday and despite a few showers, it went pretty well. I managed to sneak out for a great run after and be back in time to see Grant and Isaac. They seemed happy to see Hannah and took her for the night. It was so great to see them home again. We had out HOPE class last night and it was nice seeing some new faces.

Wow, that's making me tired just looking at what's coming up.

Oh yes and the baby!! Amanda is due anytime and I will hopefully be able to be there to document it! So excited for them.

peace out


Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm in love

Today I got an iPad. I've been on a wait list for weeks and today was yet another day the MacStation did not call. So in my desperation I went to Future Shop. I'm not proud of this, but I really, really wanted it!

I know I should be editing. I know I should be cooking dinner, cleaning the house, laundry, and weeding my garden, but this is so much more fun!

Joel is out of town again tonight and I have big plans of watching Sex in the City (the first one) I know I'm so 2009, but I'm catching up! Connor has a birthday party until 8:30 tonight and then both kiddos are having a sleepover at nana's, as I have two morning ball games tomorrow. Which I am very excited for since the weather is supposed to be epic!

I've had a crazy busy week, but it's been great. I did a 12k run the other day and felt great. I gave my new fuel belt a try, and besides a wee bit of chafing it was all good!

Hope y'all have a super fabulous weekend, it's supposed to be beautiful...finally!

Much love,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

New shoes and such

I always know when it's time for a new pair of running shoes. My knees begin to ache. I was doing a 9k run on Tuesday night and I could really feel it in my knees, especially going downhill. So yesterday I went and purchased my old stand by Asics. Yesterday morning I ran with a friend who swears by Mizunos. She told me to try them out, as they are a lighter shoe and conform more to your foot. So I did. I was really tempted, as they did feel much lighter, but in the end the arch support just didn't feel quite right. So here are the new ones. I'm hoping to
give them a try tonight. I also bought...

a Fuel Belt. I hate running with anything attached to me, but I know if I want to do more than 10k, especially in the summer, I'm going to need some hydration. Apparently one can do a lot of damage to ones kidney's if you run a long time without water... go figure? So thus, the belt. I've heard it's the best one out there, and for the price, it better be.

So, with all these new purchases, I have decided to train for a half marathon. I mean really, I've been running pretty regularly for the past year and a half, I should be able to handle a half. Joel and I were talking about things we would like to do in our lifetime, and I said this was one of them. My time doesn't have to be great... I'm okay with that, but I do want to do one. So training starts next week.

On Sunday, Elissa and I did the Run for Water. It was really neat for her to be part of such a big run .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Generation Y

About a week ago I came across this on a different blog and it really got me thinking. We've all been labeled as baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and now our children are Generation Z.
Being born in the late '70's makes me technically a Gen Xer, but after reading over this list, I think I am more Gen. Y. I've added my 2 cents in brackets.

  1. I have a Facebook and Twitter account (but not MySpace – that’s old school).
  2. I haven’t read the newspaper in over a year ( this isn't true for me, but I do now read most of the news online)
  3. I prefer texting to talking on the phone.
  4. I think email is on its way out as the primary form of electronic communication (I personally don't believe this).
  5. I care deeply about social issues.
  6. I believe in grassroots movements and the power of a few people coming together to change the world.
  7. I am concerned about the future of our planet. I recycle. I buy organic produce and meat. I don’t litter. I have a vegetable garden and compost. I try to buy locally as much as possible.
  8. I am unimpressed by titles
  9. I strive to give my best to the world.
  10. When I am at a conference, in a class, or in a church service – I don’t want to be lectured at. I want to INTERACT with the message and the people around me.
  11. I am skeptical of organized religion and I question “the way things have always been.”
  12. BUT I love God (and I do still go to church).
  13. I am committed to my marriage and family.
  14. I don’t think I should be the only one washing the dishes and watching the kids. (or cooking dinner?)
  15. I don’t buy the hard-handed style of discipline that my grandparents and parents used.
  16. I know I have a lot to learn from people that are older than I am (including my parents & grandparents). I also feel that I have a lot to learn from those who are younger than me – including kids.
  17. I don’t want to be labeled. I am not “conservative” or “liberal.” I am not a “tree hugger” or an “attachment parent.” I am not a “baptist” or a “Anglican.” I’m just me and I’m not black-and-white.
  18. In fact, even the “GENERATION Y” label gives me pause. Because there are a lot of things that I do that are contrary to my generation.