Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Generation Y

About a week ago I came across this on a different blog and it really got me thinking. We've all been labeled as baby boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and now our children are Generation Z.
Being born in the late '70's makes me technically a Gen Xer, but after reading over this list, I think I am more Gen. Y. I've added my 2 cents in brackets.

  1. I have a Facebook and Twitter account (but not MySpace – that’s old school).
  2. I haven’t read the newspaper in over a year ( this isn't true for me, but I do now read most of the news online)
  3. I prefer texting to talking on the phone.
  4. I think email is on its way out as the primary form of electronic communication (I personally don't believe this).
  5. I care deeply about social issues.
  6. I believe in grassroots movements and the power of a few people coming together to change the world.
  7. I am concerned about the future of our planet. I recycle. I buy organic produce and meat. I don’t litter. I have a vegetable garden and compost. I try to buy locally as much as possible.
  8. I am unimpressed by titles
  9. I strive to give my best to the world.
  10. When I am at a conference, in a class, or in a church service – I don’t want to be lectured at. I want to INTERACT with the message and the people around me.
  11. I am skeptical of organized religion and I question “the way things have always been.”
  12. BUT I love God (and I do still go to church).
  13. I am committed to my marriage and family.
  14. I don’t think I should be the only one washing the dishes and watching the kids. (or cooking dinner?)
  15. I don’t buy the hard-handed style of discipline that my grandparents and parents used.
  16. I know I have a lot to learn from people that are older than I am (including my parents & grandparents). I also feel that I have a lot to learn from those who are younger than me – including kids.
  17. I don’t want to be labeled. I am not “conservative” or “liberal.” I am not a “tree hugger” or an “attachment parent.” I am not a “baptist” or a “Anglican.” I’m just me and I’m not black-and-white.
  18. In fact, even the “GENERATION Y” label gives me pause. Because there are a lot of things that I do that are contrary to my generation.

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