give them a try tonight. I also bought...

a Fuel Belt. I hate running with anything attached to me, but I know if I want to do more than 10k, especially in the summer, I'm going to need some hydration. Apparently one can do a lot of damage to ones kidney's if you run a long time without water... go figure? So thus, the belt. I've heard it's the best one out there, and for the price, it better be.

So, with all these new purchases, I have decided to train for a half marathon. I mean really, I've been running pretty regularly for the past year and a half, I should be able to handle a half. Joel and I were talking about things we would like to do in our lifetime, and I said this was one of them. My time doesn't have to be great... I'm okay with that, but I do want to do one. So training starts next week.
On Sunday, Elissa and I did the Run for Water. It was really neat for her to be part of such a big run .

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