I have battled with this for so long. I'll give you some history.
Back in 1995 when I first learned to drive, my wonderful parents gave me a cell phone. As you may recall, cell phones back then weren't the cute little things they are today. They were huge, heavy, and the battery never seemed to last more than two hours. So for someone who was emerging out of the the early 90's grunge era and was not a girly girl who ever carried a purse, this was quite the burden. There were also a couple of other downsides to having a cell phone in 1995. First, my mom expected to be able to get a hold of me whenever, wherever. This kind of cramped my style. The other downside... NONE of my friends had a cell! I couldn't call them, text them, facebook them... nothing! So really, it felt like not much more than a tracking device for my parents. Which, now that I am a parent, I'm beginning to see was not such a bad idea.
Okay, so I grew up, got married, and have kids. In this time I had a little flip phone that I rarely used, it was really for emergencies only. Well, I somehow misplaced that phone and decided I didn't need one. So years went by where I didn't have a phone, all was good. Or was it? 3 years ago, my business was taking off and I felt like I needed to separate my business life and home life a bit. So I bought a cell phone. This was going to be my business phone. I had business cards printed with my new number as well as adding ti to my website. Well, things didn't go quite as planned. I was getting calls all the time. Usually at rather inopportune times, such as unloading groceries onto the conveyor belt at Safeway with a screaming toddler. Trying to set up a shoot was not going to happen.
So, the "business" phone was nixed.
At this time people all around me were getting the these fun Blackberry's and iPhone's. They were checking Facebook, twittering, e-mailing, downloading the "coolest" app and playing games.
I was not going to be one of them. Nope. I was not going to let this tiny piece of technology rule my life.
It was until a recent trip that I discovered how practical these phones are. We were lost and had an iPhone. It guided us back to where we needed to be. We wanted to go to Trader Joe's, where was the closest one? I feel like a grande pumpkin spice latte, how many calories does that have? All of a sudden, the world was at my fingertips. These aren't so bad after all.
It's been three years since I first picked up my "business phone." It wasn't working so well and my plan said I could get a new phone. I went in thinking about picking up the iPhone 3, since it would cost me next to nothing and my plan would only change by a few dollars each month. Well, the iPhone 4 was sitting there and the upgrade wasn't much more. So I did.
I do enjoy being able to pick up e-mails when I have been out all day, and the texting is way easier! The little camera on it is pretty sweet as well. I like being able to snap pics whenever.
much love
J snapped this one of me and C. with the iPhone
You deserve an IPhone!