Saturday, November 6, 2010

A missed opportunity

Today as I was driving home from a shoot in Langley, I decided to stop at a Starbucks and grab a coffee for Joel and I. I went to the one with the drive through, but noticed the line had about 8 cars in it. So I decided to park and go inside.
As I was walking in, there was a guy sitting by himself at a table outside. I didn't think anything of it until he asked me for some spare change for a coffee. I have to admit, I was a little surprised to hear him ask me that. I know, what a bubble I live in right? It's really more that he didn't look like a homeless man who needed change. As I mumbled sorry and kept walking I thought to myself "how horrible of me to stereotype people like this." Here is an opportunity for me to show God's love and I walked right by. So I opened up my change section of my wallet and began emptying it out into my hand. I didn't have enough for a coffee, but I would give him what I had as I left.
So I ordered and waited for our drinks.
As I was getting ready to walk out and give to this man, a women carrying two drinks stepped in front of me. As she pushed open the door, she walked over to the man and gave him a large cup of coffee.
Wow. Why hadn't I thought of that?
I felt a wave of sadness come over me. Sad for this man, but also sad that i I had missed an opportunity to bless someone.
I need to go into every day with my eyes open and expecting God to give me opportunities to share His love.

Enjoy your weekend,
Much love,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. The really sad this is how many times we miss opportunities and don't even realize it...sorry for the downer there.
