Friday, January 30, 2009

the blahs

It is January, I know.  And I always seem to get this way this time of year...not really depressed or anything, just kinda blah.  It has been beautiful here for weeks, with the odd rainy day, like today, but really the sun has been shining so much!  So why the blahs?

I'm not sure my life could get any better, really.  I love where I live, my kids are the best, I have a fabulous job and the most wonderful husband.  I have been so blessed with amazing friends and a great church family, so what more could I possibly want out of life?

I've been searching, seeking, and I suppose yearning for a deeper relationship with God.  I'm not sure if it's things in the past that are holding me back, or am I just afraid to step out and trust? Perhaps a bit of both.  

I've been going for a lot of runs lately.  I love it.  I never really got into the whole running thing, but I have a routine where I love to run in the dark.  Where no one can see me, or stop and talk to me.  Where I can go into my own little world of thoughts and actually think.  Think about life, relationships, and whatever else happens to be going on.  Meanwhile I'm running!  I don't run for long periods of time, although I do hope to build up my distance.

Anyway, I feel like I need to embark on some kind of journey, I feel as though I need to grow deeper in a lot of different aspects in my life. 

 I'll keep you posted:)

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