Saturday, August 28, 2010

on being sick

This week has been kind of icky for me. I don't often get sick, but when I do, it never seems to be a simple cold or flu.

What started off on Tuesday to be a little stomach bug, quickly turned into days of retching and a massive infection that nearly had me in the hospital. Thankfully, my fever is down this morning, and my appetite has somewhat returned.

Solitude. Sometimes being sick can be a blessing in disguise. How often do we give ourselves an excuse to lie in bed all day and just read and sleep? Although I felt like I was knocking on death's door, being sick forced me to slow down and let day to day chores go. And after a whirlwind of a summer, I think this is exactly what I needed.

Unforunatly, J and I had plans to spend the night in Vancouver last night and do some shopping on Robson this morning. He had booked us a night downtown at the Hyatt and we were to go on a dinner cruise last night. Since it was a work related event and J had to go to the India Consulate this morning, he went alone. We had already made arrangements for my parents to take the kids overnight, so I was left to recuperate. It has been nearly 24 hours since I saw my family and I cannot wait to have them all back here.

I am feeling rested, although still very weak, and rejuvinated. I have made a list of all the things I want to get donw in September and I am feeling ready for this new season to begin.

Enjoy your weekend,

much love

Monday, August 23, 2010


In last 24 hours I have run 24 ks. I think that almost totals the # of k's I've run all summer!

Tonight I headed out on a 12k route that I had scouted out a week or so ago. It was a flat run that meandered through a park and endless fields of grain.

I grew up in the country and I have to say that I am a country girl at heart. There are times I lust over the bright lights and the constant buzz of city living, but in the end, it's the peace and solitude of the country that feeds my soul.

I began my 12k at 7:45 tonight. It somehow escaped me that the days have been getting shorter and it is no longer light until 10:00pm. By 8:45 I was in complete darkeness. Surrounded by farmers fields and the mountains I felt such a freedom. The air was so pure and fresh, the full moon was rising, and I felt like I could go forever. I had the company of a good friend and the kms seemed to run themselves.

I've gone back and forth on whether I want to do a half marathon. Yes, I would love to do one, but why? I love running for me. I love how it clears the cobwebs of my mind and how it gives me focus. I love the freedom I feel when I run. So to train or not to train. I am still undecided. All I know is tonight was an awesome night and I feel so blessed to live where I live.

Much love,


Friday, August 20, 2010

Do you love what you do?

I mean, really, truly, love what you do?

I am not sure how to proceed with this post, as my mind is swirling with thoughts, so forgive me if I am sounding scattered.

A couple of weeks ago I was having a conversation with my SIL Brooke. She is a very wise woman and always offers great insight. We were having a conversation about doing what we love and how even in the workplace, if we are given time to be creative, and come up with our own ideas, the payoff can be huge!

More recently I stumbled upon a friend's blog. She shall remain nameless, but I was so encouraged to read about her thoughts and dreams and how she was actually going to pursue them. It is a scary and daunting thing to go out on your own and take risks. Thoughts like "What if I'm not good enough?" " What if I fail? " " What if I lose my passion and no longer love what I do?" are so common.

These are all thoughts that have continually gone through my mind since I began my business in 2006. I will be honest and say that I have come so close to calling it quits. Times like that have always come in the height of busyness, when I no longer think I can juggle being at home with my kiddos and dealing with clients needs.

So what's gotten me through?
Finally realizing that what I do, is of value to families. Actually believing in myself as a business woman and a photographer. Some may think I charge too much, others think (mainly Joel and other photogs) think I charge too little, but I am happy where I'm at, and I love what I do.

So what do you fall asleep dreaming about doing? God has given us all gifts to use and I believe he really wants us to use them. Wouldn't you be insulted if you gave a gift that was never used or appreciated? I have a friend going back to school to pursue his dreams. Another who was signed up to go to school, but then realized that what she was signed up for was perhaps not what she dreamed of doing.

I know this sounds sooo cliche, but my encouragement for you today is to follow you dreams! Listen to what your heart tells you. Listen to what God tells you.

much love,

Friday, August 13, 2010

Why do I do such things?

So business has been crazy awesome this summer. God has continually blessed me with fabulous shoots, clients, and new opportunities.

So why, why oh why, did I decide two months ago I needed a new website? I will tell you... Joel had been away on work for at least a week and I was home quietly working away while the kids slept. When Joel goes away I tend to stay up way laer than usual, since I don't want to have to lie in bed and worry about every little sound. I want to fall! Soooo, here I was in the late (or possible early) hours thinking, "I need a change. I need a new look for Red Wagon Photography. I know, I NEED a new website!"

And since we live in a day of instant gratification and we can get anything at anytime we want with a few clicks of the mouse, within 20 minutes I had chosen a new template and did the big switcharoo! I worked on the site for the next two or three nights, thinking all was good, this is nearly done, blah, blah, blah. Well, Joel came home. School was finishing up. Holidays were on the horizon, oh and we had 5 weddings to shoot. Right. So here I am, two months later, with my "new" site almost done (just need a to write little something about myself, which I loathe doing) and then I can go live.

Oh, but wait, since this brainwave I've had other ideas, other thoughts about my business. I've seen that perhaps a website isn't the coolest thing on the block anymore. Websites are so 2002, now Blogsites are all the rage. So do I nix all the work I put into this new site and skip it all together and go straight to the Blogsite? (Which I believe will be a bit of a learning curve for me)

Oh yeah, and my business name. Thinking of changing it. I know, after 5 years and a new $300 sign on order. I have reasons though.. big reasons! I'll save that for another post.

Okay, just my little vent for this inferno of a day.

Peace out and much love to y'all!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Opportunities and Love

As I wake up every morning and think about the day ahead of me, I usually always pray for strength, guidance, and wisdom for the day. Depending on what lies ahead I pray accordingly. For the last week I have prayed a lot about my business and family life. More specifically, I have prayed for opportunities and health.

As always, God is so faithful and He must know how impatient I am because He usually answers pretty quickly.

The changes and opportunities that have been put in front of me have been absolutely overwhelming and so very encouraging.

Since there are still a few unknowns at this point, I cannot go into detail.

I am so thankful for such a supportive family and group of friends. Their love means the world to me.

Tonight when you see your children, husband, wife, mom, dad, or any loved one; hold them tight and tell them how much you love them. Life is so short.

Much love,