Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As I was lying awake at 1:00am, 3:00am, 4:30am and 6:15am I was thinking about how much I dislike caffeine. When I finally got up at 7:00 and made myself a super strong cup of coffee, I began rejoicing in the fact that we have such a wonderful little drug.

Last night I went out with a bunch of girls and while they were sipping mochas, espressos and lattes, I had myself a nice little cup of chai tea. I thought,mmm, this will be nice and soothing on this rainy night, And don't get me wrong, it was nice and soothing at the time, but when I couldn't fall asleep, I began to wonder if it had a bit of caffeine in it. And yep, sure enough it does.

I lovemy morning coffee. My parent shave always been coffee drinkers. Not just any coffee drinkers, it always had to be the best and the strongest. So from an early age my mom would drive nto Vancouver and load up on Murchie's coffee, particularily, the Turkish blend. So when I turned 16, maybe 17, I began the morning ritual of a good strong cup of coffee. Now, up until fairly recently I've been able to drink coffee, or caffeinated pop, and most certainly tea, almost right up until I go to bed.

So what happened? My grandfather could never drink coffee after 3:00pm or else he couldn't sleep, and I always thought, "that poor old man, it must be awful to be old and notbe able to drink coffee at 5:00 at night."

Anyway, ths is a truly rambling post and if you've stuck it out his far that you deserve a cup of coffee!

Point is, I'm feeling old! And tired. But I'll stop whining now.

Have a great day!


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