Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Shack

I know this book is so 2007 and I am sure I am one of the last people to read it, but quite honestly, the kidnapping/murder scene in the first few chapters really deterred me from reading it all these years. So what changed?

Well, a few weeks ago I was having tea with a great friend and we were chatting about life, relationships, God... and books. She said that The Shack had absolutely changed her life and the way she thought of God. She said it had taken her months to read because it was such an emotional book.

So I asked around, and sure enough pretty much everyone I spoke with had read it. In came the mixed reviews. Some said they didn't like how God was portrayed as a black woman, others thought it was just okay, and others thought it was just not biblical. So, that is when I decided to read it, I needed to form my own opinion. So I went into it very open minded (and fully prepared for the first 3 chapters)

So, my thoughts. I enjoyed the book. It was easy to read and I found it to be a refreshing take on faith and grace. A few things I pulled out of it that I like.

1) Each relationship we are in is unique. I LOVE this! So obvious really, but so special. Whether it be a parent, spouse, child, friend, or colleague... because we are unique our every relationship will be to.

2) God is always with us. Through the good, bad and ugly. His love for us is soooo unconditional... amazing.

3) The power of forgiveness. We need to forgive to be healthy and at peace.

4) We must live in the present. Memories are powerful. They can stir up great joy, or terrible sadness, as well as every other emotion in between. While it is important to remember where we came from and to learn from our past, we must be able to bring ourselves to the present and live in the moment, while looking towards the future. To play the "what if" or "if only I had..." game in our minds over and over is not how God wants us to live.

5) And finally, I really didn't have issue with a big black woman being God in this story. I can't think of a more loving and nurturing kind of person I would feel comfortable with.

Much love,


  1. I loved reading this review, Larajane. I've always wanted to read this book, but for whatever reason, have never gotten around to it. I'm now going to make a point of doing so.

    P.S. Did you go for a run this morning? I had to try out some new runners on the treadmill in case I needed to return them. They feel like pillows attached to my feet! You've gotta love new runners that feel just the way they should!

  2. Loved that book. Loved God as Aunt Jemima, loved all the pictures of God really. Just a fantastic book. Next, I'll lend you "Crazy Love" I'm almost finished it, it's quite good.
