Friday, September 18, 2009


Wow, I am not sure really where to begin this blog entry. I'll start with the fact that after nearly nine months of planning, a lovely Pig Roast is going to be held right across the street from my house in just over 24 hours. I've come to grips with it. Really I have. I mean why would watching a poor little pig spin helplessly on a stick over hot flames right in front of my house for hours on end be at all disturbing?

Okay, skip to another random fact about my life... trust me, this will all come together at the end.

A couple of weeks ago I picked up a book at the library on business. More specifically Starbucks. How Starbucks became so successful so quickly. Really, a very interesting book, with a lot of ideas to incorporate into my business, or anyone's business for that matter. So tonight I was going through my Twitter contacts and came across this article about how Starbucks is now un-cool. I was intrigued, so I clicked the link. (here's the link if you're interested) I thought it was kind of funny. I also noticed on the page a bunch of "ads." No not the kind of ads you're thinking... good clean ads. Or at least I thought. One of the ads said "Learn to Cook!" Well, that sounds good, I would love to learn to cook. So I clicked it. Okay, was so not prepared to see a 7 minute video on how to butcher a lamb. A.whole.lamb. AYKM??? Gross, and so uncalled for. BTW, I am not posting the link to the lamb video, if you want to see a carcass being cut up come to the pig roast on Sunday. Really, I'm not bitter :-)

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